Primary Engineer

Primary Engineer have, over the past 12 years, created an engineering curriculum that spans Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education institutions. Its core aims include; the development of children and young people through engagement with engineering, the promotion of engineering careers for pupils through inspiring programmes and competitions, the development of engineering skills for teachers and practitioners as a sustainable model and working to address the gender imbalance in science and engineering.

We developed a STEM by Stealth approach to education which enables children and pupils to engage with practical maths and science alongside creative problem solving and literacy. The positive impact on individual children and pupils’ self-awareness and confidence through team work, and improvement in social skills through engagement with project work and links to the wider world and engineers has been evidenced by teachers engaged on our Master’s Level PGCert.

Our work bridges the gap between industry and education, has won accolades including successive Red Rose Award’s for ‘Skills and Training Provider of the year’, Burnley Councils’ Chief Executives’ Award for bringing ‘Education and Industry together’ and featured in the Scottish Government’s Manufacturing Future for Scotland and the Engineering Skills Investment Plan. The programme reach extends to parents, carers and the wider community through public exhibitions of children and pupils’ ideas in relation to engineering in regions across the UK.


Primary Engineer Programmes® is a national programme which includes; 
Early Years Engineer®, Primary Engineer®, Secondary Engineer®, Scottish Engineering Leaders Award, The Primary Engineer® and Secondary Engineer® Leaders Awards™, The Institution of Primary Engineers®, Institution of Secondary Engineers®, The Primary Engineer Rogers Knight Award and the PGCert ‘Engineering STEM’.

If you would like further information on Primary Engineer/Secondary Engineer or the Leaders Awards please visit our websites:;;

or contact Primary Engineer on 01282 417333 or via email

Primary Engineer® Engineers in the making ™


Our vision is to ensure all children and pupils achieve their full potential.


By providing teacher training, developing teacher-led research, whole-class projects, skills, competencies, inspiring competitions and exhibitions and not least fun!


Through the skills, knowledge and self-awareness developed through engagement with engineering.

Our annual Festival for Business is back during the month of September!